Use First-Party IDs for Site Tracking

  • Updated

First-party data is publisher- or advertiser-owned data. It's collected directly from known or unknown clients or prospects. This data includes online activities, observed user behavior, or interest signals from a website or app.

The transition from third-party cookies to a first-party solution has presented a range of benefits — including improved privacy and the ability to reach and monetize Safari and Firefox users. You can re-engage these audiences, as well as future-proofing your technology solutions against the discontinuation of third-party IDs. Added benefits of first-party cookies include a longer lifetime, higher quality data, better consent signals, and improved relevance.

You can also activate ID Fusion for audience measurement, targeting, extension, and frequency capping across all devices, browsers, and publishers.

Set Up for Using First-Party IDs on Your Account

To use first-party IDs for site tracking, you need to set up your account and campaign to support using first-party IDs.

Use Adform First-Party ID

As an advertiser or a publisher, you can collect first-party IDs by using tracking points. If it is a domain-specific ID, you can use Adform to generate an ID for the advertiser's or publisher's domain. The tracking point request then passes this ID.

You can enable Adform ID on the first-party domain for each advertiser. To activate this on an advertiser's or publisher's domain, contact Adform support (

Restrictions for Adform IDs on First-Party Domains

Adform’s first-party ID are used as an identifier in transactions only when:

  • There is no third-party ID or it can't be set.

  • There is no Mobile Advertising ID available.

  • There is no publisher or first-party ID provider's identifier available.

  • Cookieless insights can't be generated.

  • The browser accepts first-party IDs.

  • The advertiser activates the first-party cookie [ID] setting.

Activate Customer's First-Party ID

A publisher’s or advertiser’s site generates extended first-party IDs, which are accessible only to the owners of the domain. Publishers or advertisers, themselves, or ID consortiums (such as NetID and BritePool) can generate these IDs.

If you want to submit a first-party ID to Adform through tracking points, you should activate the advertiser settings.

Accepting first-party IDs is activated for every tracking setup. To activate this functionality, reach out to the Adform support team (


If the first-party IDs are sent to Adform without activating the corresponding setting, the transactions are discarded and can't be processed retrospectively.

Pass First-Party IDs

You use the following to pass first-party IDs:

  • Adform tracking scripts with parameters in JavaScript.

  • Image tracking points with parameters in a query-string.

  • The Adform Server-Side (S2S) Tracking API with POST body parameters. For more details, see Server-Side Tracking .

The dedicated parameters are:


  • {id}: text, a platform-native identifier (such as long or GUID)

  • {atype}: an integer that identifies the user agent types that use the user identifier. See more in the Agent types section below.

  • {source}: text, the source or technology provider responsible for the set of included IDs. Should be expressed as a top-level domain.


Adform supports using multiple IDs. Here is an example of having two IDs in a query string:


Request Examples

Use First-Party IDs for Site Tracking

You can use the first-party data collected with Adform's site tracking for different purposes.


For more details about Adform's Identity Solution, see ID Fusion .

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