Implement Tracking Points Using Tag Managers

  • Updated

As an advertiser or publisher, you can use tag managers to easily deploy tags and scripts to your website and/or app without editing the code. With the tag manager solution, you can be more flexible and independent of development resources, and quickly adjust tags and scripts across different sites and apps.

Adform Site Tracking is compatible with all third-party tag management systems that support the usage of image tags or JavaScript code.


If you are using a tag manager solution, you should use the Standard tracking template to track all actions (page-load, button clicks, or any other events). The chosen third-party tag management platform defines the trigger rules for this.

After you generate your tracking code, you can copy-paste it from your email to your tag management solution.

Read about some of the most used tag managers:

Google Tag Manager

After setting up the tracking code in Adform Site Tracking, open your Google Tag Manager (GTM), select the correct account, and follow the steps below:

  1. Create a new custom HTML tag.

  2. Copy and paste the Adform tracking code into the HTML field.

  3. When you’re working with variables, you can connect them to the built-in or user-defined GTM variables. If you are mapping the variables in GTM, make sure they are included in your code for the tag you’re editing.

    To add a tag manager variable in your custom HTML code, wrap the variable's name in double braces:

    var foo = {{bar}};              
  4. Specify the trigger you want to use. (In Google Tag Manager, tags fire based on events, for example, when a user submits a form, or plays a video. GTM uses triggers to identify these events, and they decide when a tag is fired or blocked.)

  5. Double-check your consent setup.

  6. Click Save.


After setting up the tracking code in Adform Site Tracking, open Tealium iQ Tag Management and follow the steps below:

  1. Click iQ Tag Management > Tags.

  2. Create a new tag.

  3. Find and add Adform.

  4. Follow the Tealium guide for detailed tag settings.


Enter your Adform Advertiser ID, which you can find at the top of Site Tracking > Tracking Settings page, as Tracking Setup ID in the Tealium configuration.

Tealium provides detailed instructions for the Adform tag template. If you’re using the variables, read about the mapping of Tealium variables to Adform variables.

Adobe Launch

If you are using Adobe Launch tag manager, you can use the Adform extension for your website, or mobile app.

For details how to install and use the extension, read Adform Website Tracking extension.

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