Overview of Supported Site-Tracking Macros

  • Updated

A macro is a placeholder that gets replaced with specific characters depending on the context. It only works where it is defined.

Site tracking macros help to pass information collected from Adform tracking points into third-party scripts.

For example, you may use macros for order ID or sales to share conversion information with the third-party pixels implemented in container tags. With this use, the third-party pixel not only fires from Adform container tags to register conversions on their side, but it includes information gathered in variables from Adform tracking points.

You can use Adform’s site tracking macros in tracking codes.

Adform doesn't support macros in impression trackers, or external (JS) scripts for native ads tags. Measurement with third-party solutions for native ads is supported, for example, see the solution by DoubleVerify.

Site Tracking Macros

Adform provides a range of macros specifically for site tracking. The description for each includes any qualifiers. You use site tracking macros in container tags.


All macros encode replaced values. You can use %% (double percent) as a separator instead of __ (double underscore). (For example, macros __ADFMUID__ and %%AADFMUID%% are equivalent). However, using __ avoids problems with URL encodings and other interactions.






Randomly generated value


UTC timestamp

Mobile App Data


Version of the mobile app


Mobile Bundle ID


App-specific JSON data


Mobile limit ad-tracking status


Mobile UID


Mobile OS name


Mobile OS version


Mobile SDK version


Mobile user agent


Mobile device make (SDK traffic only)


Mobile device model (SDK traffic only)

Tracking-Point Variables


Age group


Basket size








Order ID


Order status


Product category ID


Product count


Product category name


Product ID


Product name


Product sales


Product step


Product weight




System variable x (x= 1 to 96)


System numeric variable x (x= 1 or 2)


Custom variable x (x= 1 to 10)

User Context


Country code


Advertising ID


MD5-hashed advertising ID


SHA1-hashed advertising ID




Publisher data


Publisher ID


Adform Cookie ID


User IP


Masked user IP

Ad-Serving Macros

Also, Adform provides a range of macros specifically for ad serving. For information, see Supported Ad-Serving Macros.

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