Learn About Supply Side Platform and the Publisher Ad Server

  • Updated

Adform SSP is a solution for publishers to get the best demand and the maximum value for every impression. It works for all types of digital inventory in a safe and straightforward way through accessible dashboards. Dashboard widgets provide useful information for publishers to make decisions based on their criteria.

Main SSP Features

  • Full DMP integration.

  • Powerful advertiser and content controls.

  • Multi-channel support for video, in-app, and mobile inventory.

  • Support for rich media formats, including in Adform's Adform Studio.

Benefits of Using SSP

  • Consistency: Because Adform DSP and SSP are closely integrated, using SSP reduces loss due to network delays, cookie matching, or different calculation methodologies.

  • Cost-effectiveness: SSP lowers non-media working costs and eliminates exchange and intermediary processes. This increases your working media budget while keeping the fees low.

  • Transparency: Adform ensures that inventory lives up to expectations by providing the right information in the bid request and by avoiding reporting issues. The direct line from advertiser to publisher ensures a high-quality inventory in a fraud-free environment at all times.

  • Fast Support: SSP provides faster support and easier troubleshooting with teams having access and visibility into any potential mismatches between setups from both sides.

  • Customization: SSP supports a wide range of certified formats for a smooth activation and allows for custom, co-created formats.

Publisher Ad Server

The Publisher Ad Server is a one-stop solution to manage all your media inventory — including mobile and desktop, rich media and video, and premium formats.

With its user-friendly interface, you can optimize revenue by identifying new monetization opportunities. By analyzing report data, you can notice challenges and adjust your advertising strategies.

Publisher Ad Server works across your technology systems and helps you control your inventory efficiently.

With Publisher Ad Server you can:

  • Leverage allocation optimization and use powerful forecasting to maximize bid prices from guaranteed and non-guaranteed demand.

  • Use software integration with either the Adform Data Management Platform or your platform.

  • Get extensive support for all digital ad formats across all channels and media.

  • Sell specific media through our unified cross-channel marketplace for ease of discovery and added sales opportunities.

Start with SSP and Publisher Ad Server by setting up your inventory.

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