Guidelines for Audio Ads

  • Updated

With audio advertising, you can create a personal connection with your target audience. You can convey your brand message to users even if they aren't looking at their screens.

Although Adform doesn't have a dedicated banner type for audio ads, in-stream ads accept audio files and can be used to deliver this type of advertising across the media.


To create audio ads, you must have a deal with an audio service provider.

You must follow the banner specifications provided by the audio service provider that you use: Spotify, Soundcloud, Triton, AdsWizz, TargetSpot, and others. Specifications usually include the accepted file types (.ogg, .mp3, .wma, .aac, .wav), maximum allowed file size and maximum duration (30s, 45s).

Some providers support companion image ads which can be added within in-stream ads as well. A companion ad is an image ad that's displayed on the screen together with audio messages transmitted at the same time. Such image ads are usually static 300x250 or 728x90 images.

Creative Guidelines

  • Consider the platform: people tend to listen to content differently on different platforms.

  • Tailor the message to unique audiences.

  • Keep the ads short, include a clear call-to-action, and repeat the brand name at least 2-3 times.

    For a 30-second ad, aim for 55-75 words.

  • Balance the voice-over, background music, and other sound effects.

    Use subtle sound effects to create a certain mood or present the user with a more vivid image in their head.

Main SSPs and Publishers

Here are the main SSPs and publishers that sell audio inventory:

  • Adswizz

  • Magnite

  • Google Ad Manager

  • Triton Digital

  • Acast

  • Spotify

  • Soundcloud

  • iHeart Media

  • Pandora

  • TargetSpot


In case you have any questions, contact Partnerships & Business Development team (

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