A rotator changes the ad shown in a website placement based on a set of ads. Rotators can include different types of banners or videos. Depending on the type of rotator, instead of just changing the shown banner, the rotator can change a banner's positioning within the placement.
If you include any instream video banners as part of a rotator, you can’t include other types of banners.
Rotator Types
With Adform you can create several types of rotators Adform has a standard way for you to Create Rotators, but each type has some individual settings to consider.
Random Rotators: Shows banners in random order. Click to Set Up Random Rotators.
Sequential Rotators: Shows banners in an assigned order based on your defined KPIs. Click to Set Up Sequential Rotators.
AB Rotators: Shows individual random banners from two (2) groups of banners based on impressions. If evenly distributed to the campaign impressions, you can run A/B tests to compare the performance. Click to Set Up A/B Rotators.
Optimized Rotators: Shows banners based on your defined KPIs (such as CTR or Conversion) to optimize which banners get shown. After gathering data, the best banner in the rotation generates the most impressions. Click to Set Up Optimized Rotators.
You can only use banners of the same size as part of a rotator.
Adform SSP does not support mixed type rotators if the publisher‘s placement has creative templates assigned.
Once you create rotators, you can Schedule Rotators, Nested Rotators, or use them as part of a story.
Work with Existing Rotators
Existing rotators appear on the Banners list with a ROT designation. To view the Banners list, click Campaigns > Banners. By default, Adform includes ROT_ as the beginning of a rotator's name initially. If you retain that prefix, you can search the Banners list to show existing rotators.
You can edit, publish, copy, or delete existing rotators. You can also hide them from the Banners list.
If you have a basic rotator saved, you can publish it from the Banners list. Before you can publish a rotator, you must assign it to a line itemassign it to a line item. To publish an existing rotator, select the rotator and click .
If you have a basic rotator set up, you can duplicate that rotator. Then rename it and adjust it as needed. To duplicate an existing rotator, select the rotator and click .
To delete a rotator:
Click Campaigns > Banners.Click Creatives > Banners in the left sidebar.
In the Banner list, select the row (or checkbox or name) for a rotator. (The rotator’s name may begin with ROT_. Also look at the ROT Banner type.)
In the toolbar that appears, click
. (You can also hover over the row, click
and click Delete.)
To verify the deletion, click Yes.
To adjust an existing rotator:
Click Campaigns > Banners. Click Creatives > Banners in the left sidebar.
In the Banner list, select the row (or checkbox or name) for a rotator. (The rotator’s name may begin with ROT_. Also look at the Banner type: STR or ROT.)
In the toolbar that appears, click
As needed specify a different backup banner.
For an optimized rotator, as needed adjust the optimization settings.
As needed delete or replace existing banners. (See details below.)
As needed, reorder the banners in the Members list. (See details below.)
Click Save.
To replace a existing banner in a rotator:
In the Members list of the rotator's General settings tab, hover over the banner and click
In the Banners list, select a new banner.
Click Replace.
To remove a banner, in the Members list, hover over the banner’s row and click on the right.
Depending on the type of rotator, you can also adjust banner settings in the Members list. For an AB Rotator, you can specify a different group. For a random rotator, adjust the frequency. (Remember to adjust for a total of 100%.) For a sequential rotator, adjust the KPI values.
To reorder a banner in the Members list:
In the Members list, hover over the banner’s row.
Then, on the left side of the row, hover over
When the pointer changes, drag the banner to a different row in the list.
Click Save.
If you don't specify a backup banner, Adform uses the first banner in the Members list as the default backup banner.