2024 March 19: Track Your Advertising Carbon Footprint With New Measurement-Only Option Powered by Scope3

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Example 11. Track Your Advertising Carbon Footprint With New Measurement-Only Option Powered by Scope3

Currently available Adform Carbon Reduction powered by Scope3 measures the emissions of your advertising campaigns and optimizes them by blocking the highest carbon-emitting domains. From now on, you can use a new measurement-only option to evaluate your campaign's carbon emissions before committing to reduction strategies. Activate the measurement-only segment in Brand Controls settings to receive your carbon emissions measurement report and take control of your campaign's footprint.

Scope3 is a global and independent provider of end-to-end carbon emissions data in the advertising industry. It works to decarbonize media and programmatic advertising. The company has invested in the necessary data, technology, and relationships to accurately map and measure the carbon footprint of an ad. Adform is the first global DSP to integrate with Scope3 and give brands the opportunity to actively reduce their campaigns' carbon footprint directly in the buying process.

With the Adform Carbon Reduction feature powered by Scope3, you can lower the carbon footprint of your campaigns with little to no effect on campaign delivery. With the first release, you could block the highest-emitting domains and receive weekly carbon reduction reports. From now on, you can use a new measurement-only option to evaluate your campaign's carbon emissions before committing to reduction strategies.

Use the measurement-only option to:

  • Evaluate your campaign's carbon emissions by running A/B test: Use the carbon reduction report to evaluate the impact of Carbon Reduction feature powered by Scope3 on your specific campaign setup. It can also help you understand how your campaign emissions compare to the market average.

  • Test custom carbon reduction strategies: If you have your own carbon reduction strategies in place, such as using custom blocklists or green packages offered by SSPs, use the report to measure the effectiveness of your strategies.

  • Monitor emissions for specific publishers: If you have a set budget for a specific publisher (even if it's blocked by Carbon Reduction feature) and you want to check the carbon emissions associated with that publisher.


To learn more about Carbon Reduction powered by Scope 3, see Understand Carbon Reduction.

For more information on sustainable media and trading tips, see Adform Academy course Exploring Sustainable Trading Strategies.

Use the Measurement-Only Option

With this new release, you can run reports to measure your campaign's carbon emissions without blocking domains with high carbon emissions.

To activate the measurement-only option and receive carbon reduction reports, follow the steps outlined in Understand Carbon Reduction article.


To receive the report, after activating the feature, you must contact your Adform representative.

If you want to both receive reports and block domains with high carbon emissions, select the Block Highest CO2 Emitting Domains & Measure Results option.

Carbon Reduction Reporting

After you turn on Carbon Reduction feature powered by Scope 3, you can receive three types of reports:

  • Carbon Scorecard: Check your overall carbon footprint and compare it to the Programmatic Carbon Index by Adform.

  • Carbon Insights: Compare the performance of your line items and follow weekly trends.

  • Detailed Results: Analyze raw data sorted by domain and date.

Carbon Reduction Pricing

See Understand Carbon Reduction for all pricing details.

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