If you forgot your password or just want to use a different one, you can change it.
If your account is permanently locked and you receive an email notification about changing your password, follow the provided instructions.
Password Restrictions
Restrictions for valid Adform passwords:
256 characters maximum
12 characters minimum
No sequentially repeated characters. (For example, 01234xx56789 isn't a valid password, but x01234x56789 is.)
You can use all special characters, but spaces have to be internal to the password (not at the beginning or the end).
If you have API-related services with your account, your password has additional restrictions:
At least one lowercase letter (a to z)
At least one uppercase letter (A to Z)
At least one number (0 to 9)
At least one special character (such as / or -)
Reset or Change Password
To reset your password if you’ve forgotten it:
Go to https://id.adform.com.
Enter your username or email address.
Click Forgot your password?.
In the notification sent to your email address, follow the instructions for resetting your password.
The link in the email message is valid only for 24 hours.
When creating a new password, follow the password restrictions and, preferably, use a password that’s indicated as a strong password.
If Adform rejects your new password, try again.
When changing your password, Adform rejects a suggested password if it matches any on a list of commonly used or leaked passwords.
Complete the provided instructions.
To test the new password, log in with the new credentials.
To change your password:
At the top of any page, click
> My Account.
In the General section, click Change Password.
Type your current password.
Type a new password.
Follow the password restrictions and, preferably, use a password that’s indicated as a strong password.
When changing your password, Adform rejects a new password if it matches any on a list of commonly used or leaked passwords.
Re-type the new password in the Confirm New Password box.
Click Save.