Reporting Dimensions in Advertiser Reports

  • Updated

In reports, dimensions group data in a meaningful way.





Ad Creative Type

The type of a banner content used in an ad: video, display, or pixel tag

Category: Banner

Ad Interaction Type

Types of ad interaction: click, impression, recent click, or recent impression

Category: Site Tracking

Agency ID (OVK)

A unique identifier of an agency or an agency office

Set up the Agency ID (OVK) at the Advertiser level. You can use this dimension to match Adform statistics to media data.


Use with the Tag UID dimension for more granular data matching.

Category: Campaign


An X indicates that the publisher's placement accepts animation.

Category: Media Plan

App ID

An app ID provided by an app store

Category: RTB

App Name

An app name provided by an app store

Category: RTB

App Store

An app store name

Category: RTB





A banner name or, in case of search campaigns, an AdGroup name

Category: Banner

Banner Attribute n

Label(s) assigned to banners

If all banners are labeled, you can use this dimension to report data in different splits.

Category: Banner

Banner Attribute n ID

An ID of a label assigned to a banner

Category: Banner

Banner Domain (2nd level)

A second-level domain that displays the banner at the time of a click or impression (For example,

This dimension is used with Clicks and Tracked Ads metrics. It is possible to report this dimension for programmatic campaigns, but it is recommended to report it for direct campaigns.

Category: Delivery

Banner Domain (3rd level)

A third-level domain that displays the banner at the time of a click or impression (For example,

This dimension is used with clicks metric. If used with Tracked Ads metric, the dimension will display second-level domain information instead. It is possible to report this dimension for programmatic campaigns, but it is recommended to report it for direct campaigns.

Banner Format

A banner format collected from the Banner Settings tab

Category: Banner

Banner Global ID

A global banner ID assigned by Adform

All copies of a banner have the same Global ID as the original banner. Use the Banner Global ID to see how the same banner performs across different campaigns.

Category: Banner

Banner ID

A banner ID assigned by Adform

Category: Banner

Banner Member

The name of synchronized ad members

Banner Member displays data only for synchronized ads and is compatible with clicks and events.

Category: Banner

Banner Size

The size of a banner (width x height) in pixels

Category: Banner

Banner Type

The type of banner: link, rich media, keyword, image, or video

Category: Banner

Banner var 1-100

Display values that are passed through banner variables

Banner variables capture information about visitor interactions with rich media banners. For example, a a banner variable can be set up to capture content that visitors enter into the banner. This information is only available in Banner variables data exports.

Banner Weight (KB)

Banner weight in kilobytes

Category: Banner


The browser used to visit the site and view the ad

Category: Technical

Buy Type

The booking/ buy type of the selected line item: Impressions (CPM), Clicks (CTR), Viewable Impressions (vCPM), Days, Weeks, Months, Conversions, or RTB (for programmatic line items).

Category: Buying





A campaign name

Category: Campaign

Campaign Billing ID

A unique campaign identifier

A Campaign Billing ID has the following structure: XXXX-YY-0123, (where XXXX is an agency abbreviation; YY is a country abbreviation, and 0123 is the ID).

Category: Campaign

Campaign Currency

The currency specified in campaign settings

All of the monetary values in reporting are presented in the selected currency.


Synchronized search campaigns and tracking campaigns don't have a currency assigned, so such campaigns show a hyphen ( - ).

Category: Campaign

Campaign End Date

The date on which a campaign ends


For direct campaigns, the end date doesn't impact delivery, or reporting. However, for programmatic campaigns, this dimension displays the exact campaign end date.

Category: Campaign

Campaign ID

A campaign ID specified by Adform

Category: Campaign

Campaign Label 1-20

Labels assigned to campaigns

Category: Campaign

Campaign Start Date

The date on which a campaign starts


For direct campaigns, the start date doesn't impact delivery, or reporting. However, for programmatic campaigns, this dimension displays the exact campaign start date.

Category: Campaign

Campaign Type

The type of a campaign specified when creating or editing a campaign

Common campaign types are Google, Microsoft, mixed, display, search (non-API), social media, real-time bidding (RTB), affiliate, email, or non-campaign.

Category: Campaign


The number of characters per line that a publisher accepts for a text ad

Category: Media Plan


A city name based on each visitor’s IP address (Adform uses an external IP database to determine the city.)

Category: Geographical

Click Details

A banner click tag or keyword (If a banner has multiple click tags, this indicates clicks for each click tag name separately.)

Category: Banner


A client (advertiser) or advertiser name as defined in the account

Category: Campaign

Client ID

A unique numeric client (advertiser) identifier

Category: Campaign

Connection Type

The type of internet connection (for example, Wi-Fi)

Category: Geographical


A continent name based on each visitor’s IP address (Adform uses an external IP database to determine the continent.)

Category: Geographical

Cookies Enabled

Visitor cookie acceptance settings:

  • Brand Safety Blocked: the impression wasn't shown due to Brand Controls settings.

  • Enabled: accepts cookies.

  • Disabled: doesn't accept cookies.

  • Opt-out: doesn't accept Adform cookies.

Category: Technical


A country name based on each visitor’s IP address (Adform uses an external IP database to determine the country.)

Category: Geographical






A combination of day, month, and year (The date format depends on the regional settings in the Adform DSP user profile.)

Category: Time

Deal ID

A deal ID used in private marketplaces

Category: RTB

Deal Name

A deal name used in private marketplaces

Only automatically created deals have a name. Manually created deals appear only with an ID in reports

Category: RTB

Device Model

The device model name or number used by the hardware vendor to identify the device (for example, SM-T805S)

Category: Technical

Device Type

The type of the device used to visit the site: desktop, tablet, mobile, console, eReader, media hub, small screen phone, smart watch, other mobile, or smart speaker

This technical data comes from the header of an active browser page. It is also known as a user-agent. (Doesn't require JavaScript tags.)

Category: Technical

Device Vendor

The name of the company that manufactures the device or primarily sells it (for example, Samsung)

Category: Technical

DMA Region

The visitor‘s market area (designated market area, DMA)

This could be called a media market. (For more information, see Geo and Culture - DMA Regions)

Category: Technical

DMP Data Provider (Creative)

A data management platform (DMP) provider whose data is used in a rotator or a dynamic ad to show an impression

Category: DMP

DMP Data Provider (DSP)

A DMP provider whose data was used in real-time-bidding (RTB) to win an impression

Category: DMP

DMP Data Provider ID (Creative)

An ID of the DMP data provider whose data was used in a rotator or a dynamic ad to show an impression

Category: DMP

DMP Data Provider ID (DSP)

An ID of the DMP data provider whose data was used in RTB to win an impression

Category: DMP

DMP Segment (Creative)

A DMP data provider audience that was used in a rotator or a dynamic ad to show an impression

Category: DMP

DMP Segment (DSP)

A DMP audience that was used (included or excluded) in RTB to win an impression

Category: DMP

DMP Segment ID (Creative)

An ID of the DMP audience that was used in a rotator or a dynamic ad to show an impression

Category: DMP

DMP Segment ID (DSP)

A DMP audience ID that was used (included or excluded) in RTB to win an impression

Category: DMP

DMP Segment Source (Creative)

A source (for example, original, cross-device, or audience extension) of the DMP audience that was used in a rotator or a dynamic ad to show an impression

Category: DMP

DMP Segment Source (DSP)

A source (for example, original, cross-device, or audience extension) of the DMP audience that was used in Real-Time Bidding to win an impression

Category: DMP

Dynamic Ad

An entity that links a specific creative shell, images, text, and a version spreadsheet in a dynamic ad setup (Each specific dynamic ad has a serving tag.)

Use this dimension if you have dynamic ads in your campaign.

Category: Dynamic Ad

Dynamic Ad Creative Shell

A banner that's used as a shell for dynamic ads (It has the rendering logic for dynamic content.)

Use this dimension if you have dynamic ads in your campaign.

Category: Dynamic Ad

Dynamic Ad Setup

An entity that has information about creative shells, a version spreadsheet (data), and a specified dynamic ad strategy

Use this dimension if you have dynamic ads in your campaign.

Category: Dynamic Ad

Dynamic Ad Version

A single set of data variables and values used for messaging a dynamic ad (A version spreadsheet has one row for each version.)

Use this dimension if you have dynamic ads in your campaign.

Category: Dynamic Ad




Environment Type

The type of device environment: desktop, mobile (unidentified), mobile in-application, mobile web, or OTT

Category: Technical




Frequency (Campaign)

The number times a visitor sees an ad during the campaign

For example, a visitor who has seen an ad twice has a frequency value of 2. A value of 0 means that a visitor doesn't accept cookies or that impressions were blocked according to the campaign’s Brand Controls settings.


Use this with the Campaign dimension.

Category: Delivery

Frequency (Line Item)

The number times a visitor sees an ad while the line item runs

For example, a visitor who has seen an ad twice has a frequency value of 2. A value of 0 means that a visitor doesn't accept cookies or that impressions were blocked according to the campaign’s Brand Controls settings.

A single visitor may appear in several rows if this dimension is used with the click output and the visitor clicks several times.


Use this with the Line Item dimension.

Category: Delivery






Indicates with an X if the publisher placement accepts .gif images

Category: Media Plan

Global Media

Publishers that are automatically synchronized with the global media database

Category: Buying





The hour of the day (displayed as 0 - 23)

Category: Time




Industry Vertical

An advertiser's industry assigned upon creation, for example Arts & Entertainment, Education, Business


This dimension is useful for standardizing reports when analyzing multiple advertisers’ data by industry.

Category: Campaign





Keywords Match Type

The type of a keywords match: Exact, Broad, or Phrase

This dimension is only applicable for search engine campaigns that are synchronized with Adform through the Adform API.

Data is taken from search engines such as Google or Search Alliance.

Category: Media Plan




Language (Browser)

The language that's set in the visitors' browser (Requires JavaScript tags.)

Category: Technical

Language (OS)

The language that's set in the visitor's operating system


This dimension is only available in Geographical and Technical data exports.

Category: Technical

Line Item

A line item name

Category: Buying

Line Item Budget Flight Amount

The budget amount allocated to a budget flight on line item level

Category: Buying

Line Item Budget Flight End Date

The date when the budget flight set on line item level ends

Category: Buying

Line Item Budget Flight Goal

The budget flight goal selected on line item level

Budget flight goal specifies the time period for spending the budget

Category: Buying

Line Item Budget Flight Name

The budget flight name set on line item level

Category: Buying

Line Item Budget Flight Pacing

The budget flight pacing selected on line item level

Budget flight pacing determines how the budget is distributed throughout the budget flight period

Category: Buying

Line Item Budget Flight Start Date

The date when the budget flight set on line item level starts

Category: Buying

Line Item End Date

The date on which a line item stops running


For direct line items, the end date doesn't impact delivery, or reporting. However, for programmatic line items, this dimension displays the exact line item end date.

Category: Buying

Line Item ID

A line item ID set by Adform

Category: Buying

Line Item Label 1-20

Labels assigned to line items

Category: Buying

Line Item Note

A line item note created by a user in a media plan

Category: Buying

Line Item Start Date

The date on which a line item starts running


For direct line items, the start date doesn't impact delivery, or reporting. However, for programmatic line items, this dimension displays the exact line item start date.

Category: Buying

List of Creatives

A list of banners that were used in a publisher's placement

Category: Media Plan

Local Format

The banner formats accepted by the publisher

Category: Media Plan






The name of the person responsible for a campaign

Set the manager when creating or editing a campaign.

Category: Media Plan

Max Animation Time

The maximum animation time (in seconds) that a publisher accepts for a placement

Category: Media Plan

Max Flash / Rich Media Weight

The maximum banner size (in kilobytes) a publisher accepts for a placement

Category: Media Plan

Max Framerate

The maximum banner frame rate (in frames per second) that a publisher accepts for a placement

Category: Media Plan

Max GIF Weight

The maximum size of .gif file that a publisher accepts for a placement

Category: Media Plan

Max Height

The maximum banner height (in pixels) that a publisher accepts for a placement

Category: Media Plan

Max Stream Time

The maximum streaming time (in seconds) that a publisher accepts for a banner's placement

Category: Media Plan

Max Width

The maximum banner width (in pixels) that a publisher accepts for a placement

Category: Media Plan


A provider of advertising space, such as an online newspaper or a community (Also known as a publisher.)

Category: Buying

Media Contact

The contact information for a publisher

Category: Media Plan

Media Country

The country name where a publisher is located

Category: Media Plan

Media Group 1-5

Publisher groupings, for example, by content, by media type or by target group

Category: Buying

Media ID

A unique numeric publisher identifier that's visible only in reports

Category: Buying

Media: Line Item

Publisher and line item name displayed in one dimension

Category: Buying

Media Line Item (Sync)

Line items' names that are assigned to line items during the "Select Placements“ step in the Media Plan page

This dimension is useful when making benchmarking reports at the line item level.

Category: Media Plan

Media Section

A publisher's platform section that has several placements and is usually devoted to publishing information of similar content (for example, sports, finance, or transportation)

Category: Buying


The name of a month when a click or an impression was registered for a campaign


A month may appear in different languages. It depends on regional settings in the user profile: Manage Profile > Locale.

Category: Time





An organization consisting of multiple publishers focusing on various types of media placements (for example, or Euroads)

Category: Buying

Network ID

A unique numeric network identifier that's visible onlyi n reports

Category: Buying

Number of Lines

The number of lines accepted for a text ad by a publisher

Category: Media Plan

Number of Time Units

The number of booked time units

Category: Media Plan




Operating System

The operating system on the visitor's device used to view the webpage

Category: Technical


A campaign order used to group line items for more complex and longer campaigns

Category: Buying

Order Budget Flight Amount

The budget amount allocated to a budget flight on order level

Category: Buying

Order Budget Flight End Date

The date when the budget flight set on order level ends

Category: Buying

Order Budget Flight Goal

The budget flight goal selected on order level

Budget flight goal specifies the time period for spending the budget

Category: Buying

Order Budget Flight Name

The budget flight name set on order level

Category: Buying

Order Budget Flight Pacing

The budget flight pacing selected on order level

Budget flight pacing determines how the budget is distributed throughout the budget flight period

Category: Buying

Order Budget Flight Start Date

The date when the budget flight set on order level starts

Category: Buying

Order ID

An order ID specified by Adform

Category: Buying






A tracking point (referred to as page in reporting context) name that begins with an abbreviation (for example, A1: Tracking_point_name")


Adform attributes non-site-tracking statistics (impressions or clicks) to the tracking point abbreviation A0.

Category: Site Tracking

Page ID

A unique tracking point ID that's used in Site Tracking

Category: Site Tracking

Paid Keywords

Keywords used in search engine (pay-per-click) marketing (for example, Google Ads)


This dimension displays values (keyword or click tag) for any type of campaign in Adform.

Category: Banner

Pre-bid Brand Safety Features

The pre-bid brand safety features that were used to prevent buying an impression on domains with undesirable or brand-incompatible content

Category: RTB

Pre-bid Brand Safety Providers

The name of a pre-bid brand safety provider that was used to prevent buying an impression on domains with undesirable or brand-incompatible content

Category: RTB

Pre-bid Contextual Targeting Features

The pre-bid features that were used to verify the impression

Category: RTB

Pre-bid Contextual Targeting Providers

The names that were used to verify the impression

Category: RTB

Product Retargeting

The products used in product retargeting ads


This is compatible only with clicks and post-click conversions.

Category: Banner

Programmatic Buy Type

The buy type of a programmatic line item: Real-Time Bidding or Programmatic Guaranteed

Category: RTB




Reaction Time

Time from the last time a visitor clicks a banner to a conversion:

  • <1 minute: 1 to 60 seconds.

  • 1-60 minutes: 1 to 60 minutes.

  • 1-24 hours: 1 to 24 hours.

  • 1-7 days: 1 to 7 days.

  • 7-14 days: 1 to 14 days.

  • > 14 days: Equal to or more than 14 days.

  • n/a: Visits with disabled cookies or non-campaign visits.

If the visitor didn't click the banner, then Adform calculates the reaction time from the last impression to the conversion.


Reaction time is calculated for all tracked pages (not only the ones that lead to a conversion), so page views can also be reported with the reaction time.

Category: Site Tracking


The website a visitor visited before landing on a tracked website:


This dimension appears in the Referrers report in Analytics section and in data exports.

Referrer Type

A referrer type based on where the website visitors come from:

  • Campaign: Traffic attributed to campaign interactions (impressions or clicks) according to standard Adform attribution (last-click) model.

  • Direct: Traffic tracked when a visitor types the website's address directly in the browser's address bar or clicks a link that was bookmarked, in a text message, or in an email message.

  • Referrer: Traffic to the advertiser's website through the referring site (a previous domain URL). This includes all referrer domains that are not search engines or social media.

  • Natural Search: Traffic coming through the domains that are classified as search engines (for example, Google).

  • Social Media: Traffic coming through domains that are classified as social media (for example, Facebook).

  • Same Domain: Traffic where the domain of the referring site's URL is the same as the tracked domain. The Same Domain referrer type indicates that there are gaps in the tracking setup. If this type of referrer appears in a report, review the tracking code implementation.


If Adform trackers are on paid search ads, the visit is considered as coming from a Campaign referrer type.

Category: Site Tracking


A region name based on each visitor’s IP address (Adform uses an external IP database to determine the region.)

Category: Geographical

RTB Ad Position

The position of an ad on a page (for example above the fold or below the fold)

Category: RTB

RTB Categories

IAB Contextual categories (Tier 1 and Tier 2) of the placement included in the bid request

Networks and ad exchanges categorize the content of publisher sites, therefore, you can target audiences based on content. You can use the RTB Categories dimension to measure programmatic campaign performance by contextual categories.


When an impression is made on a page that belongs to more than one category set, Adform lists all applicable combinations without duplication. Therefore, you can pair each category with its subcategory for detailed reporting.

Category: RTB

RTB Parent Categories

IAB Contextual categories (Tier 2) of the placement included in the bid request

Networks and ad exchanges categorize the content of publisher sites, therefore, you can target audiences based on content. You can use the RTB Parent Categories dimension to measure programmatic campaign performance by contextual categories.


When an impression is made on a page that belongs to more than one category set, Adform lists all applicable combinations without duplication. Therefore, you can pair each category with its subcategory for detailed reporting.

Category: RTB

RTB Domain

Second level URLs of publisher sites (for example, that come with bid requests

Category: RTB

RTB Inventory Source

The sell-side platform (SSP) or ad exchange that ran an RTB auction (for example, Microsoft Ad Exchange)

Adform assigns N/A as the value for this dimension when:

  • You generate a report for a non-RTB campaign or line item.

  • A report includes test impressions or test clicks. This includes impressions and clicks registered during the tag verification process in ad exchanges or in Adform.

Category: RTB

RTB Inventory Source ID

The ID of an SSP or ad exchange that ran an RTB auction

Category: RTB

RTB Not-Winning Reasons

The reason a bid wasn't won

Adform imports reasons (based on the Open RTB protocol) from integrated partners. See OpenRTB API Specification Version 2.5 (see Section 5.25. Loss Reason Codes) for a full list of reasons.

Category: RTB

RTB Video Placement Type

The type of a video placement:

  • In-stream: The ad appears before, during, or after video streaming content.

  • Outstream: The ad appears outside of video streaming content (for example, in articles or social media feeds).

  • Unresolved: The type is not provided in the auction by the exchange.

Category: Technical

RTB Video Position

The position of an ad in a video timeline:

  • Pre-roll: The ad plays before the video content.

  • Mid-roll: The ad plays during the video content.

  • Post-roll: The ad plays after the video content.

  • Unresolved: The video ad position wasn't provided in the auction.

Category: Technical




Screen Colors

The number of colors on a device's screen used to view the page (for example, 16-bit) (This dimension requires JavaScript tags.)

Screen Resolution

Screen resolution in pixels of the visitor's device used to view the page (for example, 1024x600) (This dimension requires JavaScript tags.)

Category: Technical

SE Account

The name of a search engine account

Adform only reports search engines that are connected to your Adform account.


This dimension is applicable only for search engine campaigns that are synchronized with Adform through its API

Category: Campaign

SE Ad Group Status

The status of a search engine ad group: Active, Paused, or Deleted

Adform only reports search engines that are connected to your Adform account.


This dimension is applicable only for search engine campaigns that are synchronized with Adform through its API.

SE Campaign Status

The status of a search engine campaign: Active, Paused, or Deleted

Adform only reports search engines that are connected to your Adform account.


This dimension is applicable only for search engine campaigns that are synchronized with Adform through its API.

SE Keyword Max CPC

The maximum cost per click (CPC) of a search engine keyword

Adform only reports search engines that are connected to your Adform account.

SE Keyword Status

The status of search engine keyword: Active, Paused, or Deleted

Adform only reports search engines that are connected to your Adform account.


This dimension is applicable only for search engine campaigns that are synchronized with Adform through its API.

SE Text Ad

The names of search engine text ads

Text ad names are synchronized with search engines. A typical text ad has an active link to the website of an advertiser with a short description or a promotion.

Adform only reports search engines that are connected to your Adform account.


This dimension is applicable only for search engine campaigns that are synchronized with Adform through its API.

SE Text Ad Status

The status of search engine text ads: Active, Paused, or Deleted

Adform only reports search engines that are connected to your Adform account.

Sending Variables

Indicates whether a tracking point sends website variable data. (This dimension requires a site tracking setup.)

Use this dimension with the Conversions (All), Pageviews and Tracking Points metrics. A website variable has information collected from visitors on a tracked page of an advertiser's website.

Category: Site Tracking


The banner size that's allowed to be displayed for a publisher

Category: Media Plan

Sys Var 1-7

Report variables with information collected from the tracked pages of an advertiser's website

It's possible to pass a unique value for each tracking point call (Order item) or multiple values for each tracking point call (Product item). (This dimension requires a site tracking setup.)

Category: Site Tracking

Sys Var 8-96

Data export variables with information collected from the tracked pages of an advertiser's website

It's possible to pass a unique value for each tracking point call (Order item) or multiple values for each tracking point call (Product item). (This dimension requires a site tracking setup.)

Category: Site Tracking

Sys Var Age Group

Age group data collected from the tracked pages of an advertiser's website (This dimension requires a site tracking setup.)

A unique value is passed for each tracking point call. This data is available in reports.

Category: Site Tracking

Sys Var Country

Country data collected from the tracked pages of an advertiser's website (This dimension requires a site tracking setup.)

A unique value is passed per tracking point call. This data is available in reports.

Category: Site Tracking

Sys Var Currency

Currency data collected from the tracked pages of an advertiser's website (This dimension requires a site tracking setup.)

A unique value is passed per tracking point call. This data is available in reports.

Category: Site Tracking

Sys Var Gender

Gender data collected from the tracked pages of an advertiser's website (This dimension requires a site tracking setup.)

A unique value is passed per tracking point call. This data is available in reports.

Category: Site Tracking

Sys Var Order Id

A unique order ID for each order collected from the tracked pages of an advertiser's website (This dimension requires a site tracking setup.)

A unique value is passed per tracking point call. This data is available in data exports.

Category: Site Tracking

Sys Var Order Status

The current order status for each Order ID (This dimension requires a site tracking setup.)

This data is available in data exports.

Category: Site Tracking

Sys Var Product Category

The category of an ordered product collected from the tracked pages of an advertiser's website (This dimension requires a site tracking setup.)

Multiple values can be passed per tracking point call. This data is available in reports.

Category: Site Tracking

Sys Var Product Count

The number of products ordered

If any product-level variables are implemented, "1" indicates each single value by default. If this variable is implemented on an advertiser's website, it is possible to pass any number. This data is available in reports. (This dimension requires a site tracking setup.)

Category: Site Tracking

Sys Var Product ID

The ID of a sold product collected from the tracked pages of an advertiser's website (This dimension requires a site tracking setup.)

Each tracking point call can pass multiple values. This data is available in reports.


Use this dimension with either one or both metrics: Sys Var Product Count or Sys Var Product Sale.

Category: Site Tracking

Sys Var Product Name

The name of a sold product collected from the tracked pages of a advertiser's website (This dimension requires a site tracking setup.)

Each tracking point call can pass multiple values. This data is available in reports.

Category: Site Tracking





Tag ID (BN)

The ID of a click tag (a third-party code sent from Adform to a publisher to track banners)

Category: Buying


A unique identifier of a tag to use for matching Adform statistics to media data


Use with the Agency ID (OVK) dimension for data matching at the Agency or Agency Office level. A Tag UID is different from the Tag ID (BN) number.

Category: Buying


The name of a tag (a third party code sent from Adform to a media to track banners)

Category: Buying


Banner type accepted by a publisher

Category: Media Plan

Total Characters

The total number of characters a publisher accepts for an ad's text

Category: Media Plan




Video Player Size

The size of a video player (for example, HD (720p-1079p))

Category: Technical

Video Start Mode

The start mode of video ads: Auto-play, Click-to-play, and Unknown


If you use Adform tags and want to track auto-play videos, add an additional auto-play parameter to the URL.

Category: Technical

Viewability %

The viewable banner area in intervals of 0%-49% and 50%-54%


Viewability Time (Extended)

The duration when a banner is viewable in intervals of 0-1 seconds, 1-2 seconds, or 2-3 seconds


Viewability Time (sec.)

The amount of time a banner is viewable in intervals of 0–1, 1–2, and 2–5 seconds

Category: Engagement

Visit Duration

The duration of a visit to a tracked website:

  • Short (less than 1 min): Equal to or less than 60 seconds.

  • Normal (from 1 to 5 min): 60-300 seconds.

  • Long (5 min and longer): Equal to or more than 300 seconds.

  • n/a: Visits with disabled cookies or non-campaign visits.






The name of a tracked website taken from a tracking point name

For example, if the tracking point name is Adform/Help/Site Tracking, the Website dimension displays Adform.

Category: Site Tracking

Website Section

The name of a section of a tracked website taken from a tracking point name

For example, if the tracking point name is Adform/Help/Site Tracking, the Website Section dimension displays Help.

Category: Site Tracking

Website Subsection

The name of a subsection of a tracked website taken from a tracking point name

For example, if the tracking point name is Adform/Help/Site Tracking, the Website Subsection dimension displays Site Tracking.

Category: Site Tracking


The number of weeks (1 to 52)

Category: Time


The day of the week (Sunday, Monday, and so forth)

Category: Time





The year in four digits

Category: Time


A year-month combination of a 4-digit year and month’s name

Category: Time


Combination of 4-digit year and a 2-digit week number

Category: Time

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