Banner script tags that are from other ad management systems - third-party tags - should be placed in the Adform system as third-party banners (TPB). To track down clicks on the Adform side for third-party banner, third-party banner tag script should be filled with Adform click macro command: %%c1;cpdir=
There are few third-party banner tags that are recognized by the Adform system and %%c1;cpdir=
macro is added automatically (for example, DoubleClick tags), other tags are not recognized and macro should be added manually. To insert the Adform click macro to received third-party tag (there is no place defined in a code snippet) look for a third-party ad management system specifications for the instructions. See the examples of third party-tags below.
Click-Through Chain
Click %%c1;cpdir=
macro command transfers Adform click track link with a list of parameters used in the Adform reporting system. After a click link call, the system makes a redirect to a third-party banner landing page defined on a third-party ad management system.
Here are some third-party examples:
Sometimes Adform tag needs to be placed as a third-party banner on Adform system too, in this case, use ;OOBClickTrack=%%c1
<script language="javascript" src="//;OOBClickTrack=%%c1"></script>
Option 1:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script > <script type="text/javascript"> var AdformClickCounter = ('%%c1;cpdir='); document.write('<scr'+'ipt src="' + AdformClickCounter + '"></scr'+'ipt>'); </script> <noscript> <img src="" width="0" height="0"/> </noscript>
Option 2:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=";cpdir="></script> <noscript> <a href="%%c1;cpdir="> <img src="" border="0"></a> </noscript>
Option 3:
<iframe allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" border="0" width="300" height="600" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" background-color="transparent" src=";cpdir="> </iframe>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script language="javascript1.2" type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var placement_34699_options = { 'flashVars' : { 'clickUrl' : '', 'viewUrl':'', 'beforeUrl':'%%c1;cpdir=' }, 'dontEscapeFlashVars' : false, 'renderToContainer' : false, 'targetContainerId' : '' }; document.write('<scr'+'ipt src="" type="text/javascript"></scr'+'ipt>'); //]]> </script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script type = 'text/javascript'> var mpts = +new Date; var ADFmacro = ('%%c1;cpdir=').replace(/;/g, '&'); document.write('<scr' + 'ipt type=\'text\/javascript\' src=\'http:\/\/\/ad\/js\/16688-161755-49566-15\?mpt=' + mpts + '&mpvc=' + ADFmacro + '\'><\/scr' + 'ipt>'); </script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
Example 1 (JavaScript tag) - encoded Adform macro (%%ec1
) is used and the semicolon (;) before cpdir=
is encoded as well (%3B):
<script src=""></script>
Example 2 (IFrame tag) - same as above, but %%ec1%3Bcpdir=
is encoded one additional time:
<script> var ADFClick = encodeURIComponent('%%ec1;cpdir='); document.write('<iframe src="'+ADFClick+'" width="970" height="250" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>'); </script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script language="javascript1.2" type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ document.write('<scr'+'ipt src="'+(new Date()).getTime()+'/ad.js?id=CB6bG14_SH.AQegcAGEn_xof.sObVju4kAyRdXqGJAT.77/redir=%%c1;cpdir=" language="javascript"></scr'+'ipt>'); //]]> </script>
Note: this describes the usage of external non Adform related systems and please check respective documentation for most up to date information.
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script type='text/javascript'>var ps_ct0 = '%%c1';</script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type="text/javascript"> __ADXPOSE_PREFS__ = { uid: "Onr4beVfJvtPJFvn_1001DK_ADFORM_RONV4_160", cid: encodeURIComponent("1001DK_ADFORM_RONV4"), vchannel: encodeURIComponent("ADFORM"), pageurl: "", publisher: "", version: 2, override: true } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> document.write('<scr'+'ipt src="'+encodeURIComponent('Onr4beVfJvtPJFvn_1001DK_ADFORM_RONV4_160')+'" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></scr'+'ipt>') </script> <script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var p =''; if(window != top) p = '&r=' + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer);else p = '&h='+ window.location.hostname; document.write('<scr'+'ipt src="' + p + '"></scr'+'ipt>'); </script> <noscript> <img src="" width="0" height="0"/> </noscript>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src=";cpdir="></script> <noscript> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" width="728" height="90" alt="" border="0"> </a> </noscript>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<a href="%%c1;cpdir=" target=_"blank"> <img alt="William Hill" src="" border=0></img ></a>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script type="text/javascript"> var AdformClickCounter = ('%%c1;cpdir=').replace(/\\|/g, ",").replace(/;/g,'&'); var ADFRND = (+new Date); document.write('<IFRAME WIDTH="728" HEIGHT="90" SCROLLING="No" FRAMEBORDER="0" MARGINHEIGHT="0" MARGINWIDTH="0" SRC=";target=_blank;grp=[group];&rdclick=' + AdformClickCounter + '"><scr'+'ipt src=\';loc=700;target=_blank;grp=[group];rdclick=' + AdformClickCounter + '\'></scr'+'ipt></IFRAME>'); </script> <noscript> <a href="' + AdformClickCounter + '=;loc=300;grp=[group]" target="_blank"> <img src=";loc=300;grp=[group]" border="0" width="728" height="90"> </a> </noscript>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<! Code | Adserve test and samples | Adform Sample Tag | 300x250 //--> <script src=";cpdir=&ord=%%ADFRND%%"></script> <!-- End of Code //-->
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> var fd_clk = '%%c1;cpdir='; </script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src=""></script> <noscript> <a href="%%c1;cpdir=" target="_blank"><img src="" width="300" height="250" border="0" alt=""></a> </noscript>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script language="JavaScript" src=";cpdir="></script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<iframe src=";cpdir=" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" allowtransparency="true" width="300" height="250"> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> document.write('<a href="EASLink=" target="_blank"><img src=""/></a>'); </script> <noscript> <a href="EASLink=" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="" /></a> </noscript> </iframe>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script>document.write('<scr'+'ipt src="//'+encodeURIComponent('%%c1')+'"></scr'+'ipt>');</script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script type='text/javascript' charset='utf-8'> /* <![CDATA[ */ var bbs=screen,bbn=navigator,bbh;bbh='&ubl='+bbn.language+'&ucd='+1*bbs.colorDepth+'&uce='+1*bbn.cookieEnabled+'&uje='+1*bbn.javaEnabled()+'&uah='+1*bbs.availHeight+'&uaw='+1*bbs.availWidth+'&uhe='+1*bbs.height+'&uwi='+1*bbs.width+'&uto='+(new Date()).getTimezoneOffset()+'&uti='+(new Date()).getTime(); if(typeof(bburlparam)=='string') { bbh+='&'+bburlparam; } if(typeof(bbkeywords)=='string') { bbh+='&keywords='+encodeURIComponent(bbkeywords); } document.write("<scr"+"ipt type='text/javascript' charset='utf-8' src='"+bbh+"&bust="+Math.random()+"&target=_blank&clickadd=1&click=%%c1;cpdir='><"+"\/scr"+"ipt>"); /* ]]> */ </script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script src="'+new Date().getTime() +'&ucm=true&ncu=%%c1;cpdir="></script> <noscript> <a href="%%c1;cpdir=" target="_blank"> <img src="" border=0 width=468 height=60> </a> </noscript>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
Old format DoubleClick tag:
<script> document.write('<scr'+'ipt src=\';abr=!ie;sz=728x90;click=' + ('%%c1;cpdir=').replace(/;/g,'&') + ';ord=' + new Date().getTime() + '?\'></scr'+'ipt>'); </script>
New format DoubleClick tag (ins tag):
Check, if INS TAG
contains the parameter 'data-dcm-landing-page-escapes=0'
as in the example below.
<ins data-dcm-click-tracker='%%c1;cpdir=' class='dcmads' style='display:inline-block;width:160px;height:600px' data-dcm-landing-page-escapes=0 data-dcm-placement='N6311.161362.HURRIYET.COM.TR/B11177973.149041068' data-dcm-rendering-mode='iframe' data-dcm-https-only data-dcm-resettable-device-id='' data-dcm-app-id=''> <script src=''></script> </ins>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script type="text/javascript" src=";cpdir=&cache=%%ADFRND%%"></script> <noscript> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img border="0" width="300" height="250" alt="Click here!" src=";cpdir=" /></a> </noscript>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script type="text/javascript"> document.write("<iframe src=\";cpdir=\" width=468 height=60 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 ALLOWTRANSPARENCY=true frameborder=0 scrolling=no bordercolor=#000000 hspace=0 vspace=0></iframe>"); </script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<noscript> <a href="%%c1;cpdir=;1064XXX;0;209;0/?ft_width=930&ft_height=180&url=6323470" target="_blank"> <img border="0" src=";1064XXX;205;gif;RTBDK;v0102CPMrosprivatleasing930x180thinxxxxx/?"></a> </noscript> <script language="Javascript1.1" type="text/javascript"> var ftClick = "%%c1;cpdir="; var ftExpTrack_1064XXX = ""; var ftX = ""; var ftY = ""; var ftZ = ""; var ftOBA = 1; var ftContent = ""; var ftCustom = ""; var ft930x180_OOBclickTrack = ""; var ftRandom = Math.random()*1000000; var ftBuildTag1 = "<scr"; var ftBuildTag2 = "</"; var ftClick_1064XXX = encodeURIComponent(ftClick); if(typeof(ft_referrer)=="undefined"){var ft_referrer=(function(){var r="";if(window==top){r=window.location.href;}else{try{r=window.parent.location.href;}catch(e){}r=(r)?r:document.referrer;}while(encodeURIComponent(r).length>1000){r=r.substring(0,r.length-1);}return r;}());} var ftDomain = (window==top)?"":(function(){var d=document.referrer,h=(d)?d.match("(?::q/q/)+([qw-]+(q.[qw-]+)+)(q/)?".replace(/q/g,decodeURIComponent("%"+"5C")))[1]:"";return (h&&h!"&ft_ifb=1&ft_domain="+encodeURIComponent(h):"";}()); var ftTag = ftBuildTag1 + 'ipt language="javascript1.1" type="text/javascript" '; ftTag += 'src=";1064XXX;201;js;RTBDK;v0102CPMrosprivatleasing930x180thinxxxxx/?ftx='+ftX+'&fty='+ftY+'&ftadz='+ftZ+'&ftscw='+ftContent+'&ft_custom='+ftCustom+'&ftOBA='+ftOBA+ftDomain+'&ft_referrer='+encodeURIComponent(ft_referrer)+'&cachebuster='+ftRandom+'" id="ftscript_930x180" name="ftscript_930x180"'; ftTag += '>' + ftBuildTag2 + 'script>'; document.write(ftTag); </script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script type="text/javascript"> var AdformClickCounter = escape('%%c1;cpdir='); var ADFRND = (+new Date); document.write('<scr'+'ipt src="//;size=300x250;linktarget=_blank;mimetype=js;rnd=' + ADFRND + ';clk=' + AdformClickCounter + '" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></scr'+'ipt>') </script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<iframe width="160" height="600" scrolling="No" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";target=_blank;sub1=;sub2=;sub3=;sub4=;;rdclick=%%c1;cpdir="> <script language="javascript" src=";loc=700;target=_blank;sub1=;sub2=;sub3=;sub4=;;rdclick=%%c1;cpdir="> </script> <noscript> <a href=";loc=300;sub1=;sub2=;sub3=;sub4=;" target="_blank"> <img src=";loc=300;sub1=;sub2=;sub3=;sub4=;" border="0" width="160" height="600"> </a> </noscript> </iframe>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script type='text/javascript'> var AdformClickCounter = encodeURIComponent('%%c1;cpdir='); document.write('<scr'+'ipt src="' + AdformClickCounter + '"></scr'+'ipt>'); </script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script type="text/javascript"> var p ='%%c1'; if(window != top) p = '&r=' + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer); else p = '&h='+ window.location.hostname; document.write('<scr'+'ipt src="[]&reported=[BID_ATTR.page_url]' + p + '"></scr'+'ipt>'); </script> <noscript> <img src="" width="0" height="0"/> </noscript>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script src=""></script> <script> MADSAdrequest.adrequest({pid: "2382066057", fid: 69678, device_location_latitude: "", device_location_longitude: "", adspace_floorprice: "", click_redirect: "%%c1;cpdir=", click_tracker: "" }); </script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script language="javascript"> screenad = { id : '0021461b58636878e21bd0d9a190902d', mediapath : '', random : '', placement : 'default', width : 1, height : 1, clicks : ['%%c1;cpdir='], imptrackers : [] }; document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http'+('https:'==document.location.protocol?'s://media':'://scripts')+'"></scr'+'ipt>'); </script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<iframe src=";cpdir=" width=160 height=600 scrolling="No" frameborder=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0> <script src=";cpdir="> </script> <noscript> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" width=160 height=600 alt="Click Here" border=0> </a> </noscript> </iframe>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
Mobile App:
<script type="text/javascript"> (function(s,u,o,i){ for(i in o)o.hasOwnProperty(i)&&(u+='&'+i+'='+encodeURIComponent(o[i]));document.write('<script src="'+s+u+'"><'+'/script>'); }('','/tag?format=dw',{ tagID: "s531e3d9ffa6f4b43b944d1308faf899e", click: "%%c1;cpdir=$$_DESTINATION_URL_$$", ex: "%%ADFNETW%%", site: "%%ADFMEDID%%", osdevid: "%%ADFDEVID%%", osoptout: "OPT_OUT_MACRO_HERE", pubimpid: "%%ADFIMPID%%", downloadData: "%%ADFAPPDATA%%", pm: "%%ADFTRID%%", imppx: "" })); </script>
Mobile web:
<script type="text/javascript"> (function(s,n,u,o,i){ for(i in o)o.hasOwnProperty(i)&&(u+='&'+i+'='+encodeURIComponent(o[i]));document.write('<script src="'+(location.protocol=='https:'?s+u:n+u+decodeURI('" onerror="document.write(%27<script src=%5c%27')+s+u+decodeURI('%5c%27><%27+%27/script>%27)'))+'"><'+'/script>'); } ('','','/tag?format=dw',{ tagID: "sfb234988cb694ab4bf37a69c1e7cf09f", click: "%%c1;cpdir=$$_DESTINATION_URL_$$", ex: "%%ADFNETW%%", site: "%%ADFMEDID%%", pubimpid: "%%ADFIMPID%%", downloadData: "%%ADFAPPDATA%%", pm: "%%ADFTRID%%", imppx: "" })); </script>
If you are not able to see the tag for the third-party banner after you have created it in Adform system, you need to adjust Medialets' script. Add a space before the percent icon (%):
... decodeURI('%5c%27>< %27+%27/script>%27)')) ...
This applies only for mobile web banners.
<script type="text/javascript"> var AdformClickCounter = encodeURIComponent('%%c1;kw=product-id;cpdir='); document.write('<iframe src="' + AdformClickCounter +'" width="300" height="250" frameborder="0"></iframe>'); </script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var moatApi = {}; moatApi.rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000000); moatApi.loadTimes = {}; moatApi.loadTimes.t0 = (new Date).getTime(); moatApi.pcode = "essenceukeedcmdisplaybs475485114131"; moatApi.level1 = "23199416"; moatApi.level2 = "Adform"; moatApi.level3 = "255654333"; moatApi.level4 = "-"; moatApi.width = "160"; moatApi.height = "600"; moatApi.jsonpTO = 600; moatApi.fallbackAdTag = "\x3Cscript src=\x22\x22\x3E\x3C/script\x3E"; moatApi.adTag = "\x3Cins class=\x27dcmads\x27 style=\x27display:inline-block;width:160px;height:600px\x27"+ "data-dcm-placement=\x27N3784.2060311ADFORM/B23199416.255654333\x27"+ "data-dcm-rendering-mode=\x27script\x27"+ "data-dcm-https-only"+ "data-dcm-resettable-device-id=\x27\x27"+ "data-dcm-app-id=\x27\x27\x3E"+ "\x3Cscript src=\x27\x27\x3E\x3C/script\x3E"+ "\x3C/ins\x3E"; var moatApiName = "_moatApi" + moatApi.rand; window[moatApiName] = moatApi; document.write("\x3Ciframe frameborder=\x220\x22 scrolling=\x22no\x22 marginheight=\x220\x22 marginwidth=\x220\x22 height=\x22" + moatApi.height + "\x22 width=\x22" + moatApi.width + "\x22 topmargin=\x220\x22 leftmargin=\x220\x22 allowtransparency=\x221\x22 id=\x22" + moatApiName + "\x22\x3E\x3C/iframe\x3E"); document.write("\x3Cscript id=\x22" + moatApiName + "\x22 type=\x22text/javascript\x22 src=\x22" + moatApiName+ "\x22\x3E\x3C/script\x3E"); })() </script>
<script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var moatApi = {}; moatApi.rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000000); moatApi.loadTimes = {}; moatApi.loadTimes.t0 = (new Date).getTime(); moatApi.pcode = "essenceukeedcmdisplaybs475485114131"; moatApi.level1 = "23199416"; moatApi.level2 = "Adform"; moatApi.level3 = "255654333"; moatApi.level4 = "-"; moatApi.width = "160"; moatApi.height = "600"; moatApi.jsonpTO = 600; moatApi.fallbackAdTag = "<script src=''></scr"+"ipt>"; moatApi.adTag = "<ins class='dcmads' style='display:inline-block;width:160px;height:600px'"+ "data-dcm-placement='N3784.2060311ADFORM/B23199416.255654333'"+ "data-dcm-rendering-mode='script'"+ "data-dcm-https-only"+ "data-dcm-resettable-device-id=''"+ "data-dcm-click-tracker='%%c1;cpdir='"+ "data-dcm-landing-page-escapes='0'"+ "data-dcm-app-id=''>"+ "<script src=''></scr"+"ipt>"+ "</ins>"; var moatApiName = "_moatApi" + moatApi.rand; window[moatApiName] = moatApi; document.write("<iframe frameborder='0' scrolling='no' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' height='" + moatApi.height + "' width='" + moatApi.width + "' topmargin='0' leftmargin='0' allowtransparency='1' id='" + moatApiName + "'></iframe>"); document.write("<script id='" + moatApiName + "' type='text/javascript' src='" + moatApiName+ "'></scr"+"ipt>"); })() </script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script type='text/javascript'> <!--//<![CDATA[ document.MAX_ct0 ='%%c1'; var m3_u = (location.protocol=='https:'?'':''); var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ','; document.write ("<scr"+"ipt type='text/javascript' src='"+m3_u); document.write ("?zoneid=294550&target=_blank"); document.write ('&cb=' + m3_r); if (document.MAX_used != ',') document.write ("&exclude=" + document.MAX_used); document.write (document.charset ? '&charset='+document.charset : (document.characterSet ? '&charset='+document.characterSet : '')); document.write ("&loc=" + escape(window.location)); if (document.referrer) document.write ("&referer=" + escape(document.referrer)); if (document.context) document.write ("&context=" + escape(document.context)); if ((typeof(document.MAX_ct0) != 'undefined') && (document.MAX_ct0.substring(0,4) == 'http')) { document.write ("&ct0=" + escape(document.MAX_ct0)); } if (document.mmm_fo) document.write ("&mmm_fo=1"); document.write ("'><\/scr"+"ipt>"); //]]>--> </script> <noscript> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img src='' border='0' alt='' /> </a> </noscript>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script type="text/javascript"> var AdformClickCounter = ('%%c1;cpdir=').replace(/\\|/g, ",").replace(/;/g,'&'); var ADFRND = (+new Date); document.write('<iframe id="50c81e52b42bc" name="50c81e52b42bc" src="' + ADFRND +'&r=' + AdformClickCounter + '" frameBorder="0" frameSpacing="0" scrolling="no" width="160" height="600"><a href="' + AdformClickCounter + '=' + ADFRND +'" ><img src="' + ADFRND +'" border="0" alt=""></a></iframe>'); </script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script type='text/javascript'> var ADM_PL = {tp:'sp', wId:759603, pId:26062036, rank:1, width:300, height:250, pbId:245, clk:'[%%c1;cpdir=]'}; </script> <script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script type="text/javascript"> var AdformClickCounter = escape('%%c1;cpdir='); document.write('<iframe id="4_12189" frameborder="0" height="600" width="160" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" style="margin:0" src="' + AdformClickCounter + '"></iframe>'); </script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<a href="%%c1;cpdir=//" target="_blank"> <img src="//" border=0 width="300" height="250" alt="" /> </a>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
Example 1:
<script> document.write('<scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript" src="'+ new Date().getTime() + '/[target]?%%c1;cpdir=" ></scr'+'ipt>'); </script>
Example 2:
<script> var AdformClickCounter = encodeURIComponent('%%c1;cpdir='); var ADFRND = (+new Date); document.write('<scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript" src="//'+ADFRND+'/no?' + AdformClickCounter +'" ></scr'+'ipt>'); </script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script type=”text/javascript”> var uri = ‘;cpdir=)?’ + new String (Math.random()).substring (2, 11); document.write(‘<sc”ript type=”text/javascript” src=”‘+uri’” charset=”ISO-8859-1?></sc’+’ript>’); </script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.
<script type="text/javascript"> var AdformClickCounter = ('%%c1;cpdir='); var ADFRND = (+new Date); document.write('<iframe id=\'abed2b1e\' name=\'abed2b1e\' framespacing=\'0\' frameborder=\'no\' scrolling=\'no\' width=\'300\' height=\'250\' src=\''+ ADFRND +'&ct0='+ AdformClickCounter +'\'><a href=\''+ ADFRND +' target=\'_blank\'><img src=\''+ ADFRND +'&n=a3709920&ct0='+ AdformClickCounter +' border=\'0\' /><\/a><\/iframe>'); </script>
This describes the usage of external non-Adform related systems and check respective documentation for up to date information.