Upload Banners from Adform Studio to Adform FLOW

  • Updated

If you log in to Adform Studio with your Adform credentials, you integrate these two platforms. When integrated, you can perform actions such as:

  • Prepare a banner in Adform Studio to upload directly into a campaign you set up in Adform FLOW.

  • Set up a click tag in Adform Studio for Adform to be able to report on the banner when you upload it to Adform FLOW.

Upload a Banner to Adform FLOW

  1. Log in to Adform platform.

  2. Open Adform Studio.

  3. In the left sidebar, click Sign In > Via Adform.

  4. Open a banner you want to upload to Adform FLOW.

  5. Click Upload_studio__1_.png > Upload to Ad Server.

  6. Select an advertiser from the dropdown list.


    If you can't find the advertiser on the list, click sync_studio__1_.png to synchronize Adform FLOW and Adform Studio. This updates the list with all recently created advertisers.

  7. Select a campaign from the dropdown list.


    If you can't find a campaign on the list, click sync_studio__1_.png to synchronize Adform FLOW and Adform Studio. This updates the list with all recently created campaigns.

  8. Click Upload.

Differences Between Uploading Standard HTML5 and Rich Media Banners

  • If you set the Category of the banner as Display, and Format as Standard, Adform uploads it as a standard HTML5 banner. Otherwise, Adform uploads the banner as a rich media banner.

  • If the banner in Adform Studio has custom events, Adform uploads it as a rich media banner.

  • If the banner in Adform Studio has additional assets assigned, Adform uploads it as a rich media banner.

  • If the banner in Adform Studio has more than one click tag, Adform uploads it as a rich media banner.

  • If the banner in Adform Studio has a polite image assigned, Adform uploads it as a rich media banner.

    Polite banner means that a smaller image file (included with the assets) replaces the full-sized banner during the loading process for faster web page loading. The original banner gets loaded only after the web page is fully loaded.


To make sure that Adform will treat the banner you upload as a standard HTML5 banner:

  1. Export a banner from Adform Studio by clicking Studio_export_icon.png on the banner page.

  2. Unzip (decompress) the .zip file.

  3. Open the decompressed file and remove all the files except the main folder.

  4. Zip (compress) the main folder.

  5. Upload the .zip file to Adform.

Add Click Tags With Adform Studio

When building a banner with Adform Studio, you can add a click tag to be visible in Adform FLOW once you upload the banner. There are two ways to add a click tag with Adform Studio: as an element or as a code.


Adding a click tag in the Banner Settings, in the Clicktags section, only creates a placeholder for a click tag and doesn't add an actual click tag.

To add a click tag by adding an element:

  1. Log in to Adform platform.

  2. Open Adform Studio.

  3. In the left sidebar, click Sign In > Via Adform.

  4. In Adform Studio, open a banner to add a click tag to.

  5. Click more30x30.png > Global Clicktag.

  6. In the first dropdown list, select either New (to define a new click tag) or select an existing click tag.

    A click tag is available if you have defined it in the Clicktags section when building a banner.

  7. If you selected New, type a name for the click tag.

  8. Enter the URL of the click tag.


    To see how the click tag looks in the code, click Tell me more.

  9. Click Proceed.

To add a click tag by editing code:

  1. In Adform Studio, open the banner to add a click tag to.

  2. In the left sidebar, click file_browser_studio__1_.png.

  3. Click index.html.

  4. In the code editor, enter the code of the new click tag. It should look similar to this:

    <head><!--Adform Global Clicktag START-->
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function adfOpenGlobalClickTAG() {
            var adfClickTAGName = 'clickTAG',
                adfClickTAGUrl = 'https://www.adform.com';
            window.open(dhtml.getVar(adfClickTAGName, adfClickTAGUrl), dhtml.getVar('landingPageTarget', '_blank'));
        if(window.document.addEventListener) {
            window.document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
                if(e.button !== 0) return;
            }, true);
        } else {
            document.attachEvent('onclick', function() {
        html {
            cursor: pointer;
    <!--Adform Global Clicktag END--> 

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